Articles on: Campaigns

Creating Awareness for Your Campaign


How to use your Campaign QR Code
How to use your Campaign link
How to use the SMS invite system

How do I drive awareness to my Campaign?

Now that you have your Campaign created you need to create awareness with your customers. There are three methods to driving awareness for your Campaign:

QR Code
URL link
SMS Invite message

Which one depends on several factors:

What CRM are you using
How do you typically engage with your customers (digital or physical realm)

SituationQR CodeURL LinkSMS Invite
I want to use my own CRMOptionalYesNo
I don't have my own CRMOptionalOptionalYes
I have only my customers emailOptionalYesNo
I have my customers cell numberNoNoYes
My business is focused on a physical locationYesOptionalOptional

Campaign QR Code

Driving your customers to quickly create videos has never been easier. With the SocialV video app, creating a video is literally one click away.

Campaign link

Within the Invites section of the dashboard you have the option to import a file containing your key customer information or to import customers manually. These imported customers are sent a custom SMS message that contains a magic link that automatically creates an account for that user and logs them in directly to the create screen of the video app.

Campaign SMS Invites

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Import File of your customers

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Import customers manually

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Updated on: 09/12/2024