Articles on: Campaigns

How do I add a Welcome Video to a Campaign

In this article, we will cover how to set up add a Welcome Video to communicate with your customers on what type of video you want them to share.

What You'll Need

You'll need to have an active campaign you wish to include a welcome video
[Recommended] You'll want to have recorded you video with a quality camera and upload it to your desktop computer

Create A Quality Video

Our platform enables you to record a video from your desktop computer but most monitor camera's are low quality so it's not recommended.

We recommend using a quality camera like a newer cell phone to record your video. Apps like Instagram or Tiktok offer great camera settings and filters to create higher quality videos. Keep your videos to under 30 seconds.

Once the video is recorded you'll want to find a way to transfer it to your desktop computer to upload to your campaign.

Creating A Custom Welcome Video

You can create a customer welcome for each of your active campaigns. Each Campaign may have different goals or objectives so creating a customer welcome video for each is important.

Select A Campaign

Log into your SocialV dashboard and select Campaigns. Select the Campaign you want to add a custom Welcome video for.

Choose Welcome Video

Once you've selected the Campaign you'll want to select the Welcome Video tab from the Essentials section. From there click Customize to manage the Welcome Video.

You have three options to choose from:

None -- not recommended
Default -- a generic welcome video
Custom -- recommended

Customer Video

We recommend you upload a customer video crafted in your voice and to your customers. You can upload an existing video (recommended) or record a video from your computer.

Upload Video

Select Browse Files to select an existing video from your computer. Once the video is selected it will upload and you can review it. If everything looks good, click Confirm Changes to save your changes.

Record Video

Click on Record Clip to access your computers camera (if available) and click the record button. You can record up to 30 seconds. Once you click stop or reach 30 seconds the video will upload and you can review it. If everything looks good, click Confirm Changes to save your changes.

Removing Clip

When you've submitted a video you have the option to Remove it and replace it with a different video.

Downloading Clip

You can download the welcome video to your computer and use it for another campaign if you want. Simple click the Download Clip to start the download onto your computer.

Now your customer welcome video will appear when the customers your invite to your Campaign will see first when they arrive to the Creator App to submit their video.

Updated on: 29/11/2024